Running Linux On My Ps3 – How You Can Install Linux

Your PS3 is one of the best gaming consoles on the market. Besides playing the most popular games such as Call of Duty, Guitar Hero, or Assassin’s Creed, your PS3 can be turned into a fully functioning, very capable home computer. All one has to do is install the Linux operating system in order to do this. Sony makes this perfectly legal to do and actually designed the PlayStation 3 with the idea that users could play games, watch movies, view photos, listen to music, and run the Linux operating system so your PS3 can be turned into a home computer.

Yellow Dog Linux was specifically designed for your PS3 so this distribution should be the first one you should look at when deciding on turning your PS3 into a home computer. However, most of the Linux distributions, at least the most popular ones such as Yellow Dog Linux, Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSUSE, and Gentoo, will work fine with your PS3 console. They will all offer home, office, and server applications, web browsers, email clients, and much more. In fact, the Yellow Dog Linux distribution comes with more than two thousand packages for you to enjoy.

Users should not worry about losing the PS3’s native gaming capabilities after installing Linux because you will create a separate partition for your Linux OS. The PS3’s hard drive comes as one big partition. Before installing Linux, you will need to divide this one partition into two partitions: one for your PS3’s native operating system and the other for the Linux operating system. Doing this, your saved games will be stored into the PS3 partition and every file and document you save while being in the Linux environment will save into the Linux partition. In other words, both the native GameOS and Linux OS maintain their won separate hard drive volumes to store its own data.

How to Choose a Linux Host in India

Today the internet has made the world a flat surface with virtually no boundaries. And this proves beneficial to all those business houses that have a web site or are planning to go online as this would enable them to expand their horizons in business unlimitedly. Linux servers are being used worldwide by the both big and small companies to expand their business potential. Linux Hosting India helps the business houses by providing top class service with this deviation of -UNIX operating system’.

Linux is the best -server operating system- used worldwide and it is described as an open source system which is created on the basis of UNIX Operating System. Linux can be installed into a wide range of computers, mobile phones and video game consoles. Today this field is being pioneered by Linux Hosting India. In India Linux Hosting was growing in many ways, its vast experience and strong know-how in the field of server technologies, web hosting and 24/7 customer support and service has been a major positive aspect.

Fundamentals of Linux Hosting India

Web hosting is done by an individual or a company to make their website accessible over the internet. The web hosting is done on a server which is hired or leased out from the service provider for a monthly, quarterly or annual fee. The Web Hosting Service Company provides web space on its servers and connectivity to the internet. There are many parameters to be considered while hiring a web hosting company. The most important factor to be considered is the quality and price of that particular server. While quality refers to the range of applications provided, hosting time and service, price pertains to the costs to be paid both initially and at periodic intervals. Through India Linux Hosting you get cheaper hosting fees, a more dependable Linux server, better quality, control and access to the files on the server, a developing control panel for administrative support and availability of free Linux programming tools.

Linux Hosting India offer custom made hosting solutions to its customers worldwide. The hosting packages are divided into different plans which allow the customer to choose from the one which can be easily administered and efficiently managed. In addition to this the customer is also given added facilities like Blogs, Shopping Carts, Forums, Payment Gateways and Counters which can be secured using password protected directories. India Linux Hosting also offers its users online support with a virtual library of help articles and video tutorials, for the help of the user.

Linux hosting in India is becoming popular as it provides many services including maintenance, security, back-up, customized monitoring and technical support any time on any day. The rates are reasonable with no compromise on quality, makes it a popular web hosting service provider. The India Hosting Linux is a highly dependable web hosting service providing end to end solutions for your hosting needs.

Why Linux Is Better Than Windows Os

Are you tired with your Windows operating system? Is the OS infected by viruses and there are security issues as well? Well, you are not alone; there are many Windows users who are not satisfied with this operating system. Microsoft Windows might be the most popular operating system in the market but there are a number of flaws. On the other hand, Linux, a less popular operating system, is much better in terms offering hassle-free computing experience. To get Windows OS you need to pay a hefty amount while Linux is absolutely free. In this article you will find why Linux is a better choice than Microsoft Windows.

More of the complaints we get regarding Windows PC is about virus infection. You cannot use a Windows machine without antivirus or anti-malware. Even after having these programs installed there is still the risk of getting infected. Sometimes, viruses and malware even get past the best solutions. On the other hand, with Linux, you don’t need to worry at all about this. Your PC will hardly get infected with viruses with this operating system.

Windows PC users also experience mysterious slowdowns. The reason behind this shut down could be diverse. It might be due to viruses, malware, fragmentation, or any other operating system issues. You will never experience these types of abnormal behavior from on a Linux computer. Not only the operating system but also you will hardly face mysterious application crashes with Linux.

Troubleshooting on Linux computer is very easy as you can go through the /var/log to find out what is ailing your PC. If you are not well familiar with the command line, you can install a GUI. This will allow you to scan through the log files and check for the issues and fix it. You can also run a backtrace to get all of the debugging information for the applications that you are facing problem with. Then you can fix the issues on your own or contact an Operating system support provider for Linux support.

Another most important thing is resource. To run a Windows 7 desktop your computer must have minimum 1 GB of RAM. Anything less than that makes your computer appear like it is working on slow motion. With Linux operating system you will never face this type of problem. Linux requires very less amount of hardware resources. This OS make the use of RAM to cache files until the cached files goes above the amount of RAM available on the computer. On the other hand, Windows 7 OS uses memory for cache only for the cases if there is no other demand for said memory.

These are some notable features of Linux operating system which make them stand at much better position than Windows OS in terms of safe and secure computing.

Computer Repair San Diego has different online tech support plans for the PC users. By choosing any of these plans PC users can fix all types of computer problems instantly.

How to Use an IP Dome Camera for Linux

Installing an Internet Protocol (IP) Dome camera on a Linux PC can add an extra layer of security to your home or business premises by giving you the capacity to view camera feeds of your business or house while you are away. IP dome camera applications facilitate secured remote access to a camera feed distribution over the Internet so that the customer can be certain that that their home or business belongings are safe from criminals. Linux features a robust set of IP camera tools that make setting up an IP camera easy.

Using ZoneMinder IP dome camera for Linux

ZoneMinder is a Linux video camera security and a surveillance solution provider, ZoneMinder is aimed for use in single or multi-camera video security apps, including business or home CCTV, and burglary prevention; child, family member or home monitoring; including other domestic care scenarios for instance nanny cam installations. It offers support on capture, recording analysis, and examining of video data emerging from one or several video or network cameras connected to a Linux system.

InstallZoneMinder IP dome camera from the Linux repository and set it up for access from the web browser. Access the ZoneMinder interface by navigating to the Internet protocol address of your PC in a web browser. Choose the settings at the top right to adjust yourZoneMinder IP dome camera installation to suit your preference. Nearly every aspect of ZoneMinder IP Dome camera is customizable.

Allow online access from any PC by choosing the “FTP” tab in settings. Where from this dialog, you can spell out where IP dome camera video capture folders should be uploaded. It is from this point that you can gain access of your IP dome camera feed.

Save the settings entered and restart ZoneMinder for the modifications to take effect. You can restart ZoneMinder using the next terminal command: sudo /etc/init.d/zoneminder restart

Include your camera monitor(s) by choosing the “Add New Monitor” key from the ZoneMinder interface. Protect your FTP location (with password) either by modifying the security of the directory via your web hosting monitoring panel or by forming an .htaccess file which password protects the administrator and uploaded it.

Lamp (linux Apache Mysql Php) Software Bundle For Php Developers

Current website development relies more on open source to handle forms and back end things. Whether it is a e commerce website or a portal, certain level of technical handling is there from server side. Certain redirection, conditional surfing based on ip address of client, privilege approving and database integration all are done by a software bundle named LAMP. LAMP is a short notation of individual software such as Linux (OS), Apache HTTP server, MySQL (DBMS) and of course PHP.

PHP has become one of widely used open source software product for developing hundreds of sites ranging from simple to complex one like WordPress. The P of LAMP may be sometimes replaced by another scripting language such as Perl or Python.

They four individual has got together to give the best performing web applications to PHP developers. Here are the benefits of MySQL and PHP explained further to get the idea why theyve been together to deliver efficient web applications.

Benefits of MySQL:

Very low licensing cost
Low hardware consumption
Execute anything from data houses holding terabytes of data
Ultra-fast loading
Table and Index partitioning
Master/Slave replication with high speed reconfiguration utility
Multi-version Transaction support
Highly robust
Efficient query engine
Secure encryption decryption functions
Open source freedom

Benefits of PHP:

Easy to use
Simplified task handling in heavy traffic sites
Open source
Low cost
Being open source new functionality have been added consistently
Simple coding style
Highly functional to code simple to shopping cart projects

As LAMP meant to be run on Linux platform, this software bundle is more reliable and performance giving. When you are on Linux platform, you are sure for one thing that is less down time. Benefits of Linux platform add more things to the Benefits of PHP and MySQL.

Hence, we can conclude that a reliable platform (Linux), an easy to manage and highly functional server side scripting language (PHP) and a flexible & low cost DBMS can give the PHP developers the edge of development which helps them in complex website development.